Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mystery Man

I like this poem so much, that I have posted it before! What do you think? Do you like it...or not so much? Who is this mysterious 'man'? Any ideas...(hint: Think about the title! :)?

Windy Nights
by Robert Louis Stevenson

Whenever the moon and stars are set,
Whenever the wind is high,
All night long in the dark and wet,
A man goes riding by.
Late in the night when the fires are out,
Why does he gallop and gallop about?

Whenever the trees are crying aloud,
And ships are tossed at sea,
By, on the highway, low and loud,
By at the gallop goes he.
By at the gallop he goes, and then
By he comes back at the gallop again.


  1. I don't really know who the mystery man is, but Ms. Kutertan said to think about the title. Hmmm... the title of the poem is "Windy Nights" so I'm guessing the mystery man's personality
    should be cold and windy.

  2. I think this poem is pretty interesting because of the mystery man.It seems really interesting why the man gallops all night long.I think the mystery man is Robert Louis.It could be or the man is just a ghost trying to find it's place in life.The poem is really cool and interesting.

  3. I think this poem is interasting because it is so misteriose. also because it is nice when it talks about the stars and the moon. I think that because the poem says a man goes ridding out also this peom is nice but I wouldent say it is one of the bests I've read.

  4. The poem is weird becuse when the stars and moon come out not always there is strong wind.It also very mysteryes.If it was night it would be scary for little kids.i like how it talk about night.I really like the poem

  5. I don't get this poem at all! It does remind me of the headless horseman. This poem reminds me of the headless horeman because it has the word gallop in it alot! And you know that the headless horseman rides a horse. The part I like about the poem is when Robert Louis Stevenson writes, "Whenever the moon and stars are set..." I like this part because I like to see the moon and the stars at night. The stars look so pretty!:D

  6. It was mysterious.It had a good idea because you can't be seen in the dark.I knowtist that it gallops like a horse but why doesin't it to be seen?I wonder if hes invisable.It's like he doesin't like enyone.Bye!

  7. I like this poem because it is very into a night in the woods. I love going in the woods it is peaceful.It is very interesting because you can see all diffrent animals in there. It is a good poem. I like this author he is amazing.It reminds me of the headless hoars man.

  8. I likedwhen the poem rhymed,but I didn't understand the second paragraph.I have no idea who the mystery man is,and I don't know why the mystery man likes to gallop.The poem was a little weird.

  9. I really liked that poem. I like this poem beacuse the moon and the stars are really bright. I dont get the part when the ships tossed on the sea. I really like the first paragarph. I like the first paragraph beacuse i really like when the sunsets. i really like this poem it was intersting.

  10. This poem was a little bit wierd. I like the last part becuase it was it says the word gallop.I like the part when it says whenever the moon and stars set whenever the wind is high.I think the mysteryman is the one that made this poem.I think this poem is little bit good.

  11. I loved the poem!I love this poem because it is an insteresting poem.i think in this poem the mystery man is the cosin in WONDER STRUCK his cousin robby was alwasy teasiing him from picking up garbage from the ground and calling him mean names.

  12. It reiminds me about the guy with the pumpkin head the headless horseman I saw him in scooby doo.
