Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Great First Comments!...and a Video

Thanks to everyone for the great comments! Let me be very clear, I am not writing the poems on our blog, I am simply posting them for you to read and consider...I thought it was quite interesting that so many of you were puzzled by the chickens...or found them so funny! :) I guess chickens ('chicons') ARE pretty funny!! :) I am wondering about Akash's poetry comment: rhyming would make it better and longer would make it more awesome. Hmmmm...I am going to challenge you on that one, Akash! I found Stephanie's comment about it being an "awkward" poem quite interesting. Good connections on Braden's part - this was definitely a 'rural' setting!! Nice ideas, everybody!

Now check this out: I found this video clip and thought it was a very creative way to communicate this poem....what do you think? Does it help make the poem easier to understand? Click on it and tell me what you think! - Ms. K.



  1. The video made me understand more about the poem,and I really enjoyed the pictures.The chickens looked funny.I really liked it.

  2. I thoght the video was a little good and a little bad,but I think people will probably like this short odd peom but it's still nice to read.

  3. I think that the video was very interisting I think that making the poem in to a video was very cool I liked the way while the poem was being told that the picture move I like the white chickens and the the way that the red wheelbarrow was being pushed around

  4. I thought the video was better than the actual poem. The reason why I thought that is because it made more sense. I think it's about a farmer that depends on that wheelbarrow to carry all the wheat or carry some other stuff for him. The reason why I think the person in the video is a farmer is because of the chickens. The white chickens gave it all away. I'm guessing that the farmer own's those white chickens. I really liked the video. (Especially the music.)

  5. Well, I thought the poem was very helpfull to understand it. But I still don't understand why we would need to depend on a wheelbarrow. the chickens where funny because they were pecking! What I also didn't understand was why a man was pushing the wheelbarrow.I don't understand the word "glazed".the wheelbarrow was red, which was good because the poem's called " The Read Wheelbarrow". tHE VIDIO WAS GREAT!

  6. I think that the music doesn't go well with the video because its like Mexican music.Its really weird becuase I thought It would be better. I think it should be longer .I wonder why there is a house.

  7. i dont under stand it but nice music .

  8. I LOVED IT!The music sounds like it's spanish.But it was not understandible for some reason.The backround looked like wallpaper,I bet he drew it with pensil.It's cool how they make the paper move fast.See you next time for comments.

  9. Thanks to everyone for your comments! If your comment wasn't published this time, don't worry. But either a) there were A LOT of spelling/grammar problems that needed to be revised or, b) you did not put enough thought into your comment. Many of you said that the chickens were funny and that the video was weird, which is perfectly fine!! But, you need to write WHY they were funny or weird -- make sure your thinking is clear. Both Jimmy & Colby found the video more confusing than the poem, which I found interesting...maybe too much was going on at the same time in the video? Words in our reading that are difficult can always be looked up...like 'GLAZED'. Who would DEPEND on a wheelbarrow? Well, in the rural setting that Braden noted, a farmer sure would! :) A wheelbarrow can be very useful indeed -- check out Ankita's comment.
    ...Anyway, it is important to read over your writing before you post it, to make it your very best. Any ideas or comments are welcome, positive or negative, as long as you explain WHY you think what you do! :)
