Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

So Many Stars!

Here are two new poems to read and consider. Which on do you like better? Tell me why!

Star Stories by Lynn Noel (excerpt)


Music was still ringing in my ears
As I stepped out under the stars.
Sudden silence.
Black, and frost, and midnight.
Just the wheel of the world
Going round over my head.
Just space.
Black space, like rhythm.
The space between the notes.
The breath before the song.
Huge space, big as an indrawn breath.
The stars shape the space into stories.
Sword of Orion.
The dancing Bull.
Seven shining Sisters
Snowflakes clustered as a chord...
The stories hang there in the stars.
Draw breath at midnight
And feel them catch in midwinter's throat.

I Heard a Bird Sing
by Oliver Herford

I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December
A magical thing
And sweet to remember.

'We are nearer to Spring
Than we were in September,'
I heard a bird sing
In the dark of December.


  1. Ilike the poem star storie.I like it because it feels so nice like a bed time song.I also like the poem I heard a bird sing because in the poem it sounds so like the bird is very happy

  2. I think the first poem is better because since it's about stars and space it seems cool to me. The other poem was kind of short and less interesting.If I was a judge.I would give "Star Stories" 10000000000000000000000 points!

  3. I liked I heard a bird sing peom,because it rhymes.I didn't like the other poem because,
    it was too long.

  4. I like "I Heard a Bird Sing" better because I like ryming poems better than poems that don't ryme. To me, It doesn't sound like a poem if it doesn't ryme. But, since "I Heard a Bird Sing" does ryme, it feels like a poem.

  5. I liked i heared a bird sing the best beacuse it rhymes.And i liked a little bit of the first poem but i like the second poem better.This poem reminds me that my cat is catching a bird. I really enjoyed this poem.

  6. I like the poem THE SINGING BIRD its becuase it is about a bird and September and Decenber. I didnt like the poem called Star stories. I think it was to long and it wasnt good.

  7. I liked the star storys better becuse I can imagine the bull dancing. I liked I heard a brid sing becuse it remindes me when i hear a brid sining in december!

  8. The first thing I want to say is that I loved the 1st poem. The reason why I liked the 1st poem is because it's talking about different constellations. I personally never seen a constellation so I like to hear poems or stories about them. The second poem I got. I got it because it's pretty straight forward. It's talking about a bird and it's saying that spring is coming.

  9. I loved the poem beacause it remind's me of space and heaven.I love looking at the stars.Another thing that I like about this poem
    is this poem reamind's me the stars and the midnight sky and the last thing that remind's me is me outside looking at the stars and all of the things in space with a telescope.

  10. I like this poem because it souds a little bit organic. it makes me think of snowflakes blowing in the cool brease in december.and reminds me of spring and september. my favourite part is when it said the macical thing and sweet to remaber so I say this poem is pretty good.

  11. I think I like I Heard a Birad Sing because it reminds me of spring.I love birads they are beautiful.They are peaceful and you can enjoy them.They are in nests and in trees.They are apart of nature.

  12. I think I likeheard a bird sing because it's about spring and sping is more far from winter and so is fall.when its' summer spring already past.I like star stories but Ilike I heard i bird sing better.Star stories is about space and stars it reminds me of Wanderstruckand Ben and his mother had talked about the constalations the little dipper and the big dipper.

  13. I like "I Heared A Bird Sing" much better."Star Stories" talked about the sky then out of the nowhere poem said "a dancing bull", a bull and the sky is two diffrent things!Now on the other hand "I Heared A Bird Sing" it's about a person
    is hearing a bird and the person think it's singing a magical song.BYE!

  14. I liked it so much because the bird can sing.
    I even liked it so much because it said it was magical. I liked it because it has a bird in it and I like birds. The bird is singing about Spring. Spring is warm but the bird is singing in the dark in December. It is coming nearer to Spring.
