Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Tchoukball? Who knew it could be so much fun!

Hello Everyone!
here is an interesting video of some advance Tchoukball in action! Notice how a throw to the goal must be started outside the key, but the player is then allowed to step once inside the key after the shot...pretty amazing Tchoukball playing! What do you think?

Tchoukball Video


  1. That. Was. Cool. The game was WAY faster than I thought it would be and the players were so good at catching... I wish I could catch like that! I did notice that to make a really good shot, the jumped, threw the ball at the net and then landed in the key. That was SO COOL!

  2. That was so cool! I like the part when the people make the throw and it was so high that people could catch it. Some of them they fall in the ground and they catch it too! the game was so fast!

  3. WOW!These Tchoukball players are so much faster compared to us I wish we were that fast and good.I think it is really cool!

  4. I lo9ve how they are so fast and the try to work hard to play proper

  5. Wow that was cool Mr.Webb was right it is a really fast game! Even the girls were really good! I would like to play like that!

  6. That was cool they had lots of different rules that we didn't know about and they were on the ground alot one of the players rolled on the ground like a summersalt

  7. I found it amusing. I notised that they shooted at any net and they jump, shoot then land in the kie and they playd the game very fast. I thought that game was the coolest game I ever saw. cant wait to watch the other vidios.

  8. This was a cool video because it went so fast and they hardly dropped the ball . They mostly scored i lost track on who was winning yellow or the blue because it was so fast . the yellow team kept on scoring but the blue team kept on catching the ball sometimes the ball will go across the room and the other team would catch and make a goal it just went by so fast. They make good goals and good trowing and catching. I woonder if Tchoukball is europian .

  9. The game of tchoukball was really fast! I really liked how they slide on the floor to prevent the other team from having a goal, and I like the way they jump to score!

  10. WOw they were great we will never be able to to play like that. They were great i love how they spiked the ball. I wish I could play like that.

  11. The was amazing I really enjoyed the thouch ball game it was really hard to see because it went fast.In our school we play thouch ball to but we dont have the red circle in the middle of the net.You guys and girsls are just better than perfessinals.

  12. Tchoukball is a really fast game looks like their having lots of fun!!!

  13. The tchoukball players are so fast! The part I didn't like is that they don't show us a full game, they only show us the part when they score. The part I did like was how the players would keep the ball up in the air by tapping it so another person could catch it. I also liked this part when the player I think in the yellow took a shot and the blue team got the ball in a second. If I even tried to play like that then I would have gotten hurt so many times! I liked watching that video.

  14. That was so cool! They made such high jumps that I couldn't even do it even if I had springs on my feet. I liked the part where this one girl caught the ball from so far. I think it was about half the court. I liked how they jumped. They would first pass a few times then they would slam the ball on the net.

  15. It was all so fast and they jump so high ! There is so much running I dont I would like to play it likr they do it's so much tensoin.

  16. I think that game was very cool. I liked it alot because
    What they did was very cool. They also passed alot. It was
    cool how they threw the ball on the net.

  17. that...was.......AMAZING!!!!!
    the game went so fast and I think i'm getting confuised with you can score onboth nets, but anyway i wish that i can play like that someday.
