Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

May the Force be with You!

I am thinking of some way to relate this video clip to poetry, but actually, I just wanted to share it with all of you! Besides, it is a great way to begin our unit on Forces (and Structures)...and a good link to Media, too! There must be a poem in here somewhere...


  1. I like the video because it is about a kid trying to be darth vader from star wars and it is about a new car it is funny and make the force be with you.

  2. THAT CLIP WAS THE FUNNEST AND THE BESTEST i liked the ends when he did it that was the best one great clip it must have 96 comments in a mounthi like how he tried and tried till he can make hes power make put more videos that was funny hope theres more comments and video clip and put more funny video clips on the web site hope theres more bye!

  3. i like that poem because it has a kid acting like dark vader i love the part when the kid gets scared of the car

  4. We like this video because in the video the kid puts on a costume and pretends to be darth vader from star wars and he also pretends that he has the powers of the force that darth vader has. We also like this video because the little kid is cute in the video and because when the dad came out of the car and went inside then the kid tried to use his powers and the dad turned on the car so the kid thought he actually used the force and he has super powers. Last we like it because star wars is one of our favourite movies and it was nominated for 2010 best movie teen choice awards. P.S: it is really funny :)

  5. I think that this video is about a boy that thinks he is dark vader and has super power but his parents are just making it look like has super powers.And another thing is why would they put dark vader in a car advertisement.


  6. The movie was funny. The part I like was when the kid thought he turned on the car. I also like the music on it. It's a good tune.I have a toy like that.It makes the same kind of music.

  7. RileyX2001@hotmail.caFebruary 8, 2011 at 2:33 PM

    lololololololololololololololol its so funny and i belive that it dose hav a poem in it just its so funny lololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol anywas it may hav a poem in it i hope u find it ms.K

  8. I think the clip was halareis becuse the little kid was acting like dark vator but so halareis and it was cool to.

  9. Dear Ms.K,
    We like the video because it's about force and we need to force ourselves to work harder.
    we like the parts when Dark Vader(kid)trys to force the things to fall.

  10. This poem is a bit weird because it is about a car company and the avertisment to me it look like it was about star wars and dark vaiter.It was a good idea to post this because it was related to school that why im not trying to say that it was a bad idea to post this on our blog i meant to sat that the car company choose a weird advertysing because why would it have dark vaiter when there trying to make a car advertysing it just doesn't fit but still good idea Ms.K.

  11. Hey ms.kutertan when i was watching this video i was thinking is this video a commercial and the commercial people are trying to sell this car am i right?What made you put this video on are blog?

  12. This week I liked the video I liked the video because it was funny at the end the dad pressed a button on his car key and the boy gets scared. It was kind of funny when the boy lokked in the dolls eyes. I think the point of the commercial is the boy looks in something and it comes to him.

  13. Ms.kutertan I saw a movie that has a boy that wanted to make things fly and he tried and tried amd he became an astronot and he made things fly because there is no gravity at outer-space so his dream came true

  14. I liked the poem very much!I liked when the kid was trying to be Dark Vader and when he was tricked by his parents.From:Tony/Andaleeb

  15. This kid is a pretty good actor I think! And the people are pretty clever using "may the force be with you" for their new car called The Force! Cool ad.

  16. Thanks for your comments everyone! :)
