Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


It seems like we should all be celebrating this happy event together somehow, but then I guess it would not be a Snow Day!! :) Anyway, my first thought was of all of you today and how much fun you would have in the snow...and no Social Studies test, either! ;) I thought I would need to shovel the snow so I could get my car out of my driveway and off to Norman Cook early, but instead I am writing a haiku on our blog:

Norman Cook Snow Day!
Classroom's dark, our books can sleep
Celebrate the snow!

(PS: I don't think the poor groundhog is going to see his shadow today!! Does that mean that Spring is almost here??!!)


  1. My snow day was good but I had noting to do so I played my WII but I was bord so I read a book and I was still bord so I went to bed.

  2. yah snow day jump out of bed and go out side its snowing make a snow man make a snow fort like me and my friends did put more snow poems too and make a happy moring to the snow and its going to be cold so bucle up to be warm

  3. that was the shortest poem ever its still good hope you have a nice winter and the groundhog

  4. On the snow day we played video games at my house because it was too cold to go outside. Also we read some books because sometimes if you play too much video games it gets boring so we read some books and we ate some nice warm soup and noodles. P.S we had some sleep too

  5. my snow day day was cool because i played in the snow and shoveld snow to.I also played my wii.MY snow day was cool.

  6. Hi MSR.K!!I'ts been a long time since we've writt'n on the Blog!!!I saw that Add on news before, and it was awsome!!!So, anyways, I had a great Snow Day, It was great!!I had the chance to help my mom-so I did.This is just because my mom is sick around this time-,because, my sister borns on this Friday!! So, I had a blast and my SnowDay was awsome!!!!See you later Sincerily Andaleeb 2011

  7. my snow day was perfect i playd computer allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll day long ad playd my ds that was all i did on snow day

  8. I think this poem was about a groundhog trying to go out but it has to much snow and he was very sad

  9. for a poem that was relly short but i still liked it

  10. The poem was great so I thought I would share my snow day activites on the blog.First I read books.Then I played with my sister.Last we watched T.V. at night.

  11. the poem was relly short but i still liked it becuse i love short poems

  12. Ms.K,
    We like the haiku because we had a good snow day.
    samantha did wii.Katelyn did art.
    By Katelyn & Samantha

  13. Nice haiku Msr.K I liked it. On the snow day I went to a family friends house because my parents had to go to work. Dont worry Mrs.K I read and I did my book report I didn't play all day. I played on my dsi on the snow day, I watched tv and I had pizza.

  14. That groundhog is so cute were did you find it? and lets say i did not have the best snow day cause i had nothing to do cayse all of my frinds were out and i had to go out side all alone and my mom did not want me to stay inside all day but i went inside and i had a nice hot cup of hot chocolate:}

  15. (arafat) My snow day was pretty good and pretty bad. The bad part was that I couldn't go to any of my friends house because there is too much snow. The good part was that I could play my xbox and my computer or watch t.v. and school was closed!!!!!! (nedim) My snow day was good and bad. T he bad part was that I couldn't go anywhere because there was too much snow. The good part was that I got to play my wii and go on my computer!!!!!!!
    Now presenting the haiku that arafat and nedim wrote:

    Snow Day

    There is too much snow
    Would you like to make a fort
    Snow is cool for us!!!!!!

  16. I am so happy because there is only 6 more weeks until winter goes away because I am not a big fan of winter thats why. But me and my sister fighted ALOT so it was a bad day for me.
