Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Let's Vote for our Favourite Poem!

Since we are starting a new year, it might be a good time for us to look back at our blog so far and to vote for our favourite poem...After reading some of your comments and ideas, I feel I must remind you that I HAVE NOT WRITTEN ANY OF THESE POEMS! I only found them ( in books or online) and thought they were interesting, so I wanted to SHARE them with you. You certainly do not need to like every single poem, but I am really interested to hear your ideas and what you think. Sooooo....

1. I would like you to look at the list of all the poems we have read so far (in the blue column to the right of your screen) and
2. vote forThe Best Poem (so far) and tell me WHY and
3. vote for your Least Favourite Poem, and tell me WHY.

Everyone needs to vote....Thanks! I am looking forward to hearing your ideas :)


  1. My favourite poem is who has seen the wind because in grade 3 in music we did who has seen the wind and it was a very exciting and it was alot of fun doing the poem. Also I like it because while doing the poem and practising our instruments we lernt about a country and in that country it has alot of diffrent things that I never thought that exsisted. Last but not least I liked it because in grade 3 that year gave me great memories that I will always keep.

  2. i think the eagle is my favourite beacausethe poem the eagle has alot of feeling to it and i think it tells you alot about an eagle

    my least favourite is flint beacause i does not have feeling to it but the only good thing about is that it gives you a clue about what flint is.

  3. my favourite poem is snow haiku because it is about winter and snow the least favourite poem is flint because is about science so i hope that some one will vote for snow haiku.

  4. I think that the poem named flint was my favourite poem because at the time my teacher Ms.Kutertan gave us a project to find what flint was and by posting that poem it helped me understand what flint was so i think that was the best poem because it help us on our project.A poem that i hated was the snow hiku because the poems were not very long so it did'nt give much information so what i'm also trying to say is that i don't like hiku poems in genaral so thats why i didn't like the snow hiku.

  5. My favourite poem was the snow haiku's by Regis Auffrey. It was my favourite it was about snow and I like snow. I also liked the snow haiku because I find that haiku's are fun to do it is also tricky to do 5 syllables 7 syllables and the 5 syllables. The poem I liked the least was the red wheel barrow because I read it a bunch of times.

  6. my favourite poem is the eagle i also like all the poems bcause all the poem are unike in a way

  7. Hi,MS.Kutertan!My favorite poem was The Haunted House.I realy liked the way they wrote the poem. It was great!All the night these souls and witch's are calling kids and people to get there flesh and blood, save them for a feast some day.It would be like they would light some light's on there house of ruin's, and I know that they callpeople to join but after the fun's over, they kill all ther people, and feed on it.Bye, for now.But don't disturb,and get caught, in the house of ruin's-The house of Witch's,Ghost's, and Souls of EVIL!Bye!Andaleeb 2011!!!!!!!!

  8. The poem I like the best is Snow Haiku. I like Snow Haiku because I did that a lot in my other school and I did haiku poems so much that I started to write them at home and everywhere I go and it is hard! I don't like Who has seen the Wind.

  9. MS. Kutertan, My favourite poem that I like is HAVE YOU SEEN THE WIND, because I learned it last year. It was so much fun doing it. 'Oh' my other favourite is Snow Haiku, too. That is all I like. They are really nice.

  10. Katelyn and SamanthaJanuary 14, 2011 at 6:16 PM

    Ms.Kutertan, We like "Flint" because it talks about diamonds and emeralds. We don't like "Siren Song" because they fooled us with a cry for help!

  11. I really like all of the poems, but my favourite one was Haunted House and the least favourrite poem that I didn’t like was the Drangons are Singing, because dragons don’t sing, so I didn’t like that one.

  12. My favourite poem is The Red Wheelbarrow. I just like how creative it is. By: Tony

  13. my favourite poem is snow haco because it is like reminding me of another poem called happy life and all the other poems are good but not my favourites. Anyways good poems!

  14. For me, my favouite poem is The Eagle. It inspires me and makes me feel bold and free! It makes me think of blue skies and sunshine and forget the snow. It makes me feel fast, like being on the Sky Screamer, but I don't really HAVE to go on it again if I just read this poem (because it was terrifying...which can be a powerful emotion, but I'm not always brave enough to be terrified...!) I think it must be an awesome thing to be compared to a thunderbolt...

  15. My favourite poem is the haunted house but also the eagle to what a coinsadince.I like the haunted house because i think its a very funny poem and scary and i like the eagle because i feel like a bird and what would i do if i was a eagle and i thought the video was also funnny so bye for now
