Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

At Last! We're Back and We're Writing!

It has been awhile since the last post, but we've been busy...Most recently, we have been examining "similies" (and metaphors, but mostly similies). Since the Grade 4s have started our unit on Rocks and Minerals, I thought I'd get us started with another "gem" by Christina Rosetti, so here it is:

An emerald is as green as grass,
A ruby red as blood;
A sapphire shines as blue as heaven;
A flint lies in the mud.

A diamond is a brilliant stone,
To catch the world's desire;
An opal holds a fiery spark;
But a flint holds a fire.

Let's see what similies you can come up with...
PS: Here's a big hello to Ilias at his new school in Toronto and to Erfan in Bangladesh! Feel free to jump in with a poem! We miss you both! :)


  1. Poppies
    As soft as petals
    As small as a leaf
    As red as blood

  2. Falcon
    As fast as the wind
    As fierce as a lion
    As strong as a Tyrannosaurus Rex

  3. Heat
    As hot as lava
    As steamy as summer
    As burning as fire

  4. Cars
    As fast as 2000 horses
    As efficient as robots
    As beautiful as poppies

  5. Future
    As easy as breathing
    As helpful as friends
    As controllable as your body
    As smart as Einstein
    As good as an A+

  6. Water
    As cold as a blizzard
    As blue as the sky
    As dangerous as spikes on the ground

  7. Space
    As dark as a black hole
    As cold as Pluto
    As deadly as no air

  8. Dragons
    As hot as fire
    As big as the CN tower
    As green as grass
    As mean as a shark

  9. Water
    As cold as ice
    As blue as the sky
    As vast as the world

  10. Dogs
    As soft as clouds
    As cute as kittens
    As fluffy as cotton candy

  11. Ice
    As cold as the North Pole
    As shiny as a diamond
    As hard as a rock

  12. Friends
    As kind as Emily
    As helpful as a maid
    As fun as rock climbing
    As funny as a joke

  13. Space
    As dark as a black hole
    As vast as google + google + google kilometres!
    As scary as a world withot anyone,
    but yourself

  14. Secrets
    As silent as the still before the storm
    As dangerous as the dark unknown
    As hurtful as a dagger to the heart

    As murky as a brackish lake
    As haunting as the full moon
    As silent as the grave

  15. There are still a few more to post, they are just being polished...so they are "as smooth and shiny as a pebble on the beach" :)

  16. i think flint is a tipe a rock that is very special i think it special thing is lumanous

  17. the flint is used to make a fire not only that its used to sharpen skates and a lot more thats what a flint is worth

  18. oh flint its so interesting it has one of the earths most valuble resource

  19. I like this poem because it is about are scenince unit about rocks and minarals

  20. a flit is as hard kind of stone; a form of silica more opaque than chalcedony.

  21. This is a great poem because our class has that we have on our spelling word this poem is good at rymeing i hope theres more SEE YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. I think that this poem is interesting because this poem is about valuble gems.Flint is a hrd kind of stone a form of silca more opaque than chalcedony and a stone that you can make fire with.It is also found in mud.

  23. This is a flint poem so I am going to tell you what flin is:Flint is a hard sedimantary mineral quartz. What I liked about the poem was when it said red ruby blood like it reminds me of a mineral rock.

  24. i like the poem because i like rare thing and rear minerals

  25. Hi Ms.K!!We're all back on the blog, and I'm very happy. Now, I realy liked how they disscribed all the different things you can find in Planet Earth, and match them with there colors!I realy like those poems you post, Ms.K!I can't wait till the next poem!!(I made a face)!

  26. I know what flint is. It is made out of mud and saed. thats all I know.

  27. I liked the poem because it kind of reminds me about my simile poem. It relates because in the I wrote as red as blood and he\she wrote a RUBY RED AS BLOOD. I have another poem called war.
    bombs and guns and no peace
    Is there were anyway to stop this
    we shall not forget the people who died
    during world war one nor world war two
    oh why oh why shall we figth
    what differnce does it make if more
    people die.

  28. i like this poem alot because it explains how the gems are useful and how much the gems are worth to the world and that diomonds are very useful and that it helps us finger out what flint is.
