Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Two Spooky Poems by Jack Prelutsky

I am probably getting carried away with spooky poems, but I know how excited you all are about Hallowe'en! Knowing that, I have collected "too many", so I am going ahead with this post and sharing them with you, because they are a lot of fun :) I hope you will like them. Jack Prelutsky writes so many great poems, of course we have to read a few! But we should post our own poems, too...some of you have already been inspired to do that! Remember: Even though most of the poems we have read so far rhyme, lots and lots of fabulous poems do not, so that will be something we will investigate, too...But for now, enjoy Jack Prelutsky's poems.

Haunted House
There's a house upon the hilltop
We will not go inside
For that is where the witches live,
Where ghosts and goblins hide.

Tonight they have their party,
All the lights are burning bright,
But oh we will not go inside
The haunted house tonight.

The demons there are whirling
And the spirits swirl about.
They sing their songs to Halloween.
"Come join the fun," they shout.

But we do not want to go there
So we run with all our might
And oh we will not go inside
The haunted house tonight.

**What would this house look like? Would we be able to see the witches, goblins, ghosts and demons from outside? Would you go inside anyway? **
The Dragons Are Singing Tonight
Tonight is the night all the dragons
Awake in their lairs underground,
To sing in cacophonous chorus
And fill the whole world with their sound.
They sing of the days of their glory,
They sing of their exploits of old,
Of maidens and Knights, and of fiery fights,
And guarding vast caches gold.
Some of their voices are treble,
And some of their voices are deep,
But all of their voices are thunderous,
And no one can get any sleep.
I lie in my bed and I listen,
Enchanted and filled with delight,
To songs I can hear only one night a year--
The dragons are singing tonight.
**What do you think a dragon song would sound like? Happy or sad? What instruments do you think a dragon would play?**
I would like you to choose one of these poems and draw a picture of it...I can hardly wait to see your ideas! :)


  1. Hi ms.k i am summiting on google accounts now well I am goind to be posting on the poem Haunted House first why I like this poem is because it is about monsters like Witches and Goblins and ghosts and also because they live in the same house so I belive that is a really spooky house the house that is on the mountain tops.I think this house will look like a advanced hunted house with real sound effects from the monsters and gools.We might be able to see the ghosts,goblins,witches,and demons from outside if there are windows but evan if there is windows we still maybe can not see the (ghosts)because they are invisable.If it was me I would have went inside with the monster and party with them evan though they might be really scary which I think that their not going to be that scary after all.When they said come and join the fun I would have ran inside and partyed with the monsters mostly because I have never saw real monsters in real life and I definitly never partyed with monsters before.That will never happen because monsters are not real and will never be in my hope.Also thats why this story is ficional.Well thats all Ms.K I have to write I hope this improves my writing or at least my typing marks so well THE END!!!

  2. Good for you, checking out our blog tonight! I am impressed. Happy you like the poems, me too :) I'm enjoying this blog because we all get to read some great poems and we get to share our ideas and thoughts (no stress) AND, like you said, we get to practise our writing...all great things, and fun,too...I am especially happy to be included on GOOGLE...somehow, this makes us important! :)

  3. nice poem, that poem was the bomb! here's a poem:
    That poem was the best,
    I was obsessed.
    thank you, thank you!

  4. Thanks, Ilias...I am really going to miss you! I hope you enjoy your new school and I hope that you will write lots of poetry there, too! Check in on us @ The Read Wheelbarrow when you can...we would all love to hear from you! Keep in touch for sure!
    Ms. K.
    PS thanks for all the amazing creations you made for me this past week - they are my new treasures and I love them all! :)

  5. i liked the pome becuse its spooky and scary

  6. nice poem because today every one is with their hallween costume its so cool
    this poem is great know wonder its at the top
    nice poem any wahys bye and great poem

  7. I think that the poems are very scary and good for Halloween.

  8. What I liked about the first poem was part of everything because I like pretty much everything inside the poem like the haunted house and the goblins and witches.On the second poem I like the poem because of the dragons and knights.I also like the part of the second poem that I think is funny because it says the the dragons sing.

  9. We liked the the poem with the dragons we liked it because they roar like lightening.We liked it also because it was cool when the dragons blew out fire.

  10. this poem is good because it has a rhythm to it and and it has a spooky feeling to it when you read it and its very catchy.

  11. the thing i like about the first poem is that it has a nice tone.But there's another thing i like about the first poem when they talk they about the haouse so thats what i like about that poem.Now to talk about the seconed poem the dragon one i like it alot because it talks about dragons and it explains how the dragons party.

  12. I love all the poems you put in Ms Kutertan!!!!!!!!

  13. i really liked both of the poems and the best was the first one i liked it because it was about ghosts and i like ghosts and it is spooky and about halloween.

  14. Ms.Kutertan,
    Both poems are scary.
    They rhyme about Halloween.
    We like that.
    Katelyn likes the rhythm for the dragon one.
    Samantha likes the rhythm for the Haunted House one.
    We love both poems very much!!!!!

  15. I really liked these poems!Their intresting.What I realy liked, was Hantedhouse.The house contains spooky soles of ghosts,Witches ect.Great poem for the Halloween!


  16. when r u goin to post a new poem

  17. I like the poem, it is really good. I hope other people like it. As I was saying, your poem, it has rhythm. I hope I can see you one day.

  18. We like both of your poems. They were really good and they have a nice rhythm.

  19. I think this poem is about how dragons sing.

  20. ...or about how they SINGE :)
