Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Something to Think About

Before you rush off to a little free time on the computer, I hope you'll take more than just a minute to think about this next poem by Shel Silverstein. What does it mean? Can you relate to it? What do you think about it? Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday and to reading your comments!

The Voice

There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long,
"I feel that this is right for me,
I know that this is wrong."
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What's right for you -- just listen to
The voice that speaks inside.

by Shel Silverstein


  1. its good but needs a bit more exitment.

  2. Dear Ms.K
    the poem "The Voice" is very nice.
    But it is a little creepy(scary).
    Don't change it but it is still creepy(scary)

  3. I think this about that you control your actions and and other people cant tell you what to do.I think that the voice inside you is the brain or the soul.

  4. the poem is very good


  6. Oh, how I remember my mom reading Shel Silverstein to me :) I will admit, I don't think that this is his best work, nor is it my favourite...but the message is simply profound. I believe that this poem is talking about someone (perhaps a student) deciding upon something to contribute to their life. (Perhaps what they want to do when the grow up.) No one but yourself can decided what is best for you, and what you desire most for yourself. There is a line that states "I know that THIS is wrong". I think perhaps they are either resistant or afraid of what that choice will bring.

    That said, I have my own points of view to add. I have already decided what I love most, and what I want to do when I get older-and that was my own choice-but I know that there is no possible way I will be able to get there on my own. I do not think that you can just go through life listening to yourself. You need to be openminded, and not just hear what other people say, but LISTEN and UNDERSTAND.

    Don't you think?

  7. I really enjoyed this poem. I just wonder what made the voices. A very well designed poem that was, Shel Silverstein should even make stories -- don't think I'm really hard on that, because I done't know if Shel did make any stories...Great blog ReadWheelbarrow! Great poem! Sincerely, Andaleeb

  8. This week's poem was really good. I enjoyed the poem, it was fabulous. That poem made my day and trust me, there is no poem like that, that made my day yet. Anybody who reads this poem will love it. What I like the most in the poem is when teacher rhymes with preacher! This author is a genious, I think this is my first poem I read by Shel Silverstein.

  9. Once again, Shel Silverstein has made another great poem and I have a question - Where does he come up with this stuff? Well, I wish I could meet him in person, but unti then, you will insprie me and keep on making grewat poems and even books. I wish this is not your last poem! Why did you call it "The Voice"? and what about "The Giving Tree"? I know that. I wish you could answer all of my questions. I will be waiting until you make a new poem or book!

  10. Dear Ms. Kutertan,
    I don't really hear a voice in my head that much. But, I still like it (the poem). And it is freaky, like a fish's eyeball :) Ohhhhh, and the fish is $10 each. Ta Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  11. Katelyn,
    I LOVE your comparison: a poem you find a little "freaky" to a fish eyeball -- it is genious! Fish eyeballs ARE REALLY freaky!! Especially if you have to pay $10 for the fish...very insightful of you, I love your comment :)

  12. I think the poem is about a kid that is getting bullied by other kids and she does not know how to tell a parent and there is a voice inside her, telling her to TELL and another side telling her to NOT tell. Then she finds a man telling her to tell, but a day after she tells her parent and I think this may be one day she finds the old man. Then she flies away. After that day, she goes to scho and other people are friends with her.

  13. ...very interesting ideas, Steven! You really got into this, thank you for sharing your ideas...great work! :)

  14. This poem is really great. We like it because it is about a voice inside our head that is why we like it so much. We like to do something good and nice and so we love this poem so much, too!

  15. We think this is about your own conscience, because it tells you right from wrong and also, it says that it's a voice in your head. That's why it's interesting and also why we like it. This happened to us - when I was doing something, people were shouting the answer at me, but I went on my own answer. I listened to the voice.

  16. This is great, because most of the poem rhymes and I also like it, because it isn't talking about a person, it's actually talking about a voice. It's a pretty cool poem and another thing about this poem is that it increases my self esteem, but telling that only I know what's right for me. And that is a very inspiring poem to me. I feel like I want to be a poem writer already! It just rocks to me.

  17. If a poem increases your self esteem, I think it must be a pretty cool poem! I'm glad you liked it, Radit...

  18. It's good, but it needs a bit more excitement.

  19. I really like this poem, because it's an interesting poem and it's very serious. It is about your whispering and how you can learn something new from it (the whispering).

  20. Thank you to everyone who shared their ideas about this poem! It is a hard thing to do, for sure, but I enjoy hearing about what YOU think (even if it is not always "published"! :) Many of you said you liked this poem...I would ask you to avoid writing things like "It is cool. It is interesting. It is fun" without explaining WHY you feel that way about the posted poem: Remember to think about the poem and to choose your words carefully! You don't have to like every poem, but if you are commenting, please explain yourself - that just makes for a more interesting exchange of ideas! :)

  21. the voise is like crepy it's so crepy i have nothing to say
