Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Welcome to Term 2, 2013!!

Well, Room 10, here we go...! It's been awhile, since we last checked out our blog. There has just been 'too much' going on, I guess! When I think to myself, "What in the world should I post?", it makes me think of OUR WORLD and the fact that, more and more, our world extends way out into outer space. Chris Hadfield is a Canadian astronaut who is the Commander of the International Space Station until May. He is a really cool guy and now, thanks to some very amazing technology, Chris can communicate with us from outer space...and he has some pretty neat things to say (and sing -- he brought his guitar!) Check out this link and learn a little more about life in SPACE! Your task?
You may 1) comment on one of the short videos you watch or 2) compose a short poem, that we will send to Chris Hadfield in space or 3) do both! Enjoy & have fun! ~ Mrs. Kutertan :)

Check out Chris Hadfield in Space!