Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Welcome Back (...it's been much too long!)

Hello Everyone!
It has been QUITE awhile since we last posted on our blog together...time to get going on it again! :)
First, since we are studying about animals and their habitats, I wanted to post this amazing video. It is a 'murmuration' - I had never heard of this strange event before, so check it out!
Murmuration - an amazing, HUGE flock of birds flying together...http://www.wimp.com/murmurationphenomena/

Now, here is a poem to consider (also about a bird, and one of my top 10 favourite poems...please tell me what y think!)

The Eagle
by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring'd with the azure world, he stands.
The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.

Tell me if you like this poem...or not...and why!
I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas!
Ms. K :)


  1. I personally liked the video it was so cool how they flimed the starlings flying in the air like that... I have no words! The poem was so detailed that it actually shows that it it about an eagle. If i recieted the poem to some one they would probably know it's an eagle. I just wish I see more activities coming up soon!☻☺

  2. My revised comment I liked the poem but it was sad because the eagle gets hurt by a thunder bolt . I think the person who wrote this poem loves nature. I also think it shows that mother nature is powerful . But it was a very touching poem .

  3. "My revised comment" I think the poem is very cool because it has a egal in it and the flock of starling. the starling are cool because they fly in big flocks."The Egal" is cool to because it sound very relaxing.

  4. My Revised Commment.

    I personally liked the video it was so cool how they filmed the starlings flying in the air like that... I have no words! The poem was so detailed that it actually shows that it's about an eagle. If I recited the poem to some one they would probably know it's about an eagle. I just wish we have more cool videos and poems to see soon.

  5. My Revised Comment

    I loved it! My favourite part was when it rhymes. It's cool and I also like the words that the poet written.How interesting!I think the poet is trying to tells us the eagles life.

  6. My revised comment: I like this poem because it rhymes.The other reason is it talks about where the eagle lives.The poem has to do with the video and the video is so cool.I like the the title because it is about the eagel:)

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. I loved it because of the way they moved around


    I looked up the word "azure" on google and it said that it means 'a bright blue colour, like a cloudless sky'. So that helped me out a little. I think the poem sounds so... so graceful. It makes the eagle sound so peaceful.

  10. I liked it. My favourite part was the mountains and the thunder bolts. It reminds me that the Eagle is actually our protector. Eagles are my favourite birds in the whole wide world. I don't understand azure. I liked the poem it was interesting. I think azure might mean the whole wide world.

  11. My revised comment.I really liked the rhyming.For Example walls,and falls.I got confused on the first line because when it said crooked hands,I thought eagles had wings not hands.

  12. My revised comment: I thought it was cool but I didn't understand the sentence "close to the sun in lonely lands".I think the poem writer is
    writing what the eagle is doing because it's actually telling us what the eagle is doing like.

  13. I think thispoem is very interesting well I've got to say think alfred lord tennyson is very good at rhyming and I liked when he mensioned the ocean.

  14. I thought it was cool and interesting I loved the video it was so beautiful and amazing because the topic is like when i seen alot of bird's!

  15. This poem seems interesting.This poem has something which is mystery because at the end it says "And like a thunderbolt he falls".I like this poem because it's short and has mysteries to it.

  16. I really liked it. At first my computer was lagging. So The first bit was a little weird.( But I understand it.) It was really interesting for me.As I said ( typed) I liked it.
