Welcome to Our Blog!

Our classroom blog was created as a place where we can meet online together to reflect on and explore ideas, share opinions, discuss various topics and also create! I am so excited to be a part of all the learning that is going to go on here and I hope you are, too! Now, what about the name of our blog? The Read Wheelbarrow was chosen as a "play on words" and refers to a very interesting poem (I think) by William Carlos Williams called The Red Wheelbarrow. It is the first of many, many poems we will read and discuss. With it our blogging adventure begins...so, happy blogging everyone!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Thoughts about The RED Wheelbarrow...

The Red Wheelbarrow
by William Carlos Williams

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

...hmmmm. This is a poem I would like you to read and consider. Here are some questions to get you started:
What do you think about it?
Why do you think the poet wrote it?
Do you like it? If yes, what do you like about it?
If you don't like it, why not?
Include any comments you would like.

There are no right or wrong answers! I'm looking forward to reading about your ideas. Thanks for sharing them with me...!


  1. I think the poem is about feeding chickens with the red wheelbarrow.Thats why we like it.

  2. not really good but i like it a little bit

  3. that was a good poem because it dosen't rhyme

  4. A really good poem,although I think you must make it a bigger poem,I,m really happy with the poem!I can,t wait for more!!

  5. that was a great poem because it didn't sound a poem

  6. this poem rocks because the poem is true poetry

  7. What I think about the poem that it is a bit strange .I think the poet wrote it because he thought it was gonna be a good poem .No i dont like it.Why i dont like it is because it is a short poem

  8. Here is another poem!
    The Nice Tree
    by Tony
    It grew apples, plums, oranges
    and sticks for fire.
    Everyone was happy
    So was the nice tree.

  9. Ms.K
    I like the background.But I don't know what the poem is about.
    keep on rocki'n.

  10. Wow! This is such a fantastic blog! I think that it is so inspiring to hear all of your own thoughts and opinions! I, personally, love this poem for the fact that it is so simple. However, I don't think I fully understand it, perhaps because it is so simple?
    And TONY! I absolutely LOVE your poem! I can tell that it came from the heart, and your enthusiasm towards it is very motivating. I applaud you! Great poem, and I hope that you write more!!! :)
    I hope to see more posts and comments. After all...
    So much depends on THE READ WHEELBARROW ;)

  11. Dear Ms. K, this is the most beautiful poem I ever read! I think I like this poem, I like the part when it tells me about the wheelbarrow!

  12. I like this poem because it is interesting!

  13. I like this poem because it's an interesting poem and you can really think about it.

  14. The poem is a great one, because it doesn't rhyme!

  15. We really like the poem. We've read a lot of poems from this author...

  16. I like it 50/50. It's really poetic.

  17. At last...! We have been able to read our classroom blog together and I am so happy to read all of your great ideas and comments! You are all amazing! :) Zyrus & Ashvin: You show your practical approach to this poem, and practicality is a good thing, indeed; I am glad that you like it! Rami: I appreciate your honesty. Ilias & Nedim: I have to confess, that I also generally like poems that don't rhyme BETTER than poems that do and that have a predictable form and metre... Andaleeb: Your enthusiasm shines and inspires me! Halla, I appreciate the time you have taken to consider this poem, even if you determine that you do not like it -- ! Radit: I wonder what "true poetry" is? And, Samantha, I also appreciate pleasant backgrounds, formats & artistic layouts (I'm glad you like our blog :) ...actually, I am realizing that these things are very important to me and I guess they were important to William Carlos Williams (such and interesting name!), too. He seems to notice everything and he took a lot of trouble to set up his poem just the way he wanted. I appreciate you sharing your ideas. I know there are many people who are not sure what this poem is about! But it makes me think that poetry is all around us, that poetry can surprise us and that if you look hard enough, maybe you can find a poem anywhere. If I had to write a poem, I wonder what it would be about...? Tony already know what he’d write. Tony: how wonderful and creative of you, to share your poem with us! It is a great poem and It makes me feel good inside...Thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts and ideas! Great job :)

  18. I like it a little, because of the wheelbarrow and the chickens.

  19. I dont understand this poem but I like the chicken part it was funny.The rest was not funny. I think it should be longer.I think it would need more work on this poem.I wonder why it is call the red wheel barrow.

  20. hi ms. K its me katelyn in the room next to u.
    can u teach me how to play the flute?????????????
